Saturday, October 8, 2011

Welcome to the Blogging World!

Hi Everyone,
  I love reading everyone else's blogs and have decided to start one of my own. I hope to share many recipes, pictures and our life adventures.  I guess I should tell you a little about myself.  I recently was married  on 6/11/11 and am loving every minute of it.  My husband is finishing school this fall and we are very excited!  Hopefully we will have more time to do the things we love.  Life has been quite the whirlwind for us lately with a wedding, moving, my family moving, T's sister moving, T's school, and me working full-time.  It seems we blow in the front door and right back out while rarely crossing each other's paths. 
  This last summer has really helped me grow and change as well and T and I's relationship to grow and change dramatically.  In May T finished his junior year and started an internship 2 days later...whew not much of a break.  We were married in June and went on our honeymoon.  During that time my parent were in the process of moving from what I call home to North Central Kansas.  It was a crazy time as they were unable to close on their house for a few weeks so they ended up living with my aunt and uncle, mom's sister, for about 6-8 weeks.  Then the moving trucks showed up and the process of unloading, unpacking, and putting away started.  At the same time as this was all going on T and I moved to our current home, which we love.  However, moving us at the same time moving my parents was rough.  T has since started his FINAL semester and things have slown down some....wait what am I talking about.  Everytime I think they will slow down something new comes up and the whirlwind starts all over again.:)  As quick paced and busy as our lives are I wouldn't change a minute of it.  I love life and everything in it.  We are truly blessed with our surroundings, opportunities, as well as family and friends.
Happy Weekend all!
....of and GO CATS!!!